Lord Acton famously said, “Power corrupts. Absolute Power corrupts absolutely." History is replete with countless biopics of Democracies illegitimately spawning authoritarian heavy-handed misrule like Hitler becoming Fuhrer. Devil incarnate, he waged wars on weak neighbours, almost exterminated Jews in the most notorious genocide, the Holocaust. He got his handle through a Referendum (some call it Plebiscite.) held in Germany this day in 1934, following the death of President Hindenburg, who had earlier defeated him. Rigged up though, this dubious exercise of a democratic tool did bring out support for him.As historian Ian Kershaw has judged, even after accounting for the manipulation of the voting process, the results "reflected the fact that Hitler had the backing, much of it fervently enthusiastic, of the great majority of the German people" at the time...
The German army took an oath of allegiance to him. His Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (Nazi Party) ’s socialist orientation was little more than a ploy to attract working-class support; in fact, Hitler was fiercely right-wing.
“…Although the Nazis suffered a decline in votes during the November 1932 election, Hindenburg agreed to make Hitler chancellor in January 1933, hoping that Hitler could be brought to heel as a member of his cabinet. However, Hindenburg underestimated Hitler’s political audacity, and one of the new chancellor’s first acts was to exploit the burning of the Reichstag (parliament) building as a pretext for calling general elections. The police under Nazi Hermann Goering suppressed much of the party’s opposition before the election, and the Nazis won a bare majority. Shortly after, Hitler took on dictatorial power through the Enabling Acts…” (History Today).
Placed above is the facsimile of the legal document enabling his dictatorship. Charlie Chaplin parodied him in his immortal 'The Great Dictator. Friend N.Lakshninarayan put this for us, as under. You must view the film at leisure, fully. Two hours well spent Its lesson is embedded in global society's memory.
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