Sunday, July 19, 2015

நாளொரு பக்கம் 68

நாளொரு பக்கம்  68

Sunday, the 9th thMay 2015 

"Little strokes fell great oaks."
-Benjamin Franklin
Epigrams, Quotes, Proverbs, Witticisms and such assembly of words share the trait of speaking the truth and also of packing it in a bitter pill; when they utter the untruth for the sheer devilry of confounding the Reader, as Ambrose Bierce does, concealing it in a cake, they make for contrarian statements. Luckily for us, Benjamin Franklin, Statesman Extraordinary, Scientist-at -large, indefatigable experimenteer and Wisdom Surround of USA makes a crucial point in an epigram of four words.

எறும்பூர கல்லும் தேயும். The very rock on which armies of ants travel for long will be somewhat eroded in the track. சிறுதுளி பெருவெள்ளம். This is more of a positive statement. Coming back to Benjamin Franklin, we may be able to achieve great things by the simple habit of being at it without let or hindrance incessantly. Bricklaying is an excellent example. We may be ably tumble forth Humpty Dumpties and totally incapicitate them in slow motion, shaking the very foundation slowly, but, steadily.

In short, Be Aware. A series of small steps can topple a heavy weight.   



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